wayfair wallpaper in bathroom

Decorating on a budget?

Following our Instagram poll results, we gathered that some of you are redecorating on a budget and have no clue where to begin. And as always, we are here to help. We decided to create a series to help you on your search for budget friendly interior buys. This edition will focus on achieving a shabby chic bathroom.


Climbing the property ladder

This month I’m sharing with you our interview with James and Demi whereby they share their fantastic story of buying their first property before the age of 21.

Snuggling is for everyone

Aside from food, one of my favourite things about this time of the year is that good old snuggle by the heater, whether by an actual fire or a mechanical system.

Winter is coming

Forgive the Game of Thrones reference, but winter is truly coming.

When I think of winter, I naturally picture traditional British interiors. I always relate them to warmth and cosiness.

Grand Designs self build holiday home in Norfolk Broads

Holidaying at home

Is London getting a little too crowded for you, or do you just need a moment after a terrible week at work, or do you simply want to explore another town in the UK? You should consider adding a holiday home to portfolio. These are money makers in their own right.

Spot it

Buying a property, what should you look out for?

Say ‘bye’ to gardening

Summer is fast approaching, which means it’s time to get your gardens in order! You can finally have that barbecue you’ve been dreaming about.

Plush it up

This is a bit of a tricky one and you’ll definitely need some help, but you really should consider buying and converting a derelict property


Make me beautiful

Spring is here, so get your garden forks out to play! No matter how small your garden is, you can create a little beauty out of it. It’s all about planning.

help to buy

Help to buy?

As promised, here is an attempt to breakdown in simple terms another government housing scheme. If you are actively seeking to climb up the property ladder right now, then I’m sure you’re continuously bombarded with the phrase ‘help to buy’.