wayfair wallpaper in bathroom

Decorating on a budget?

Following our Instagram poll results, we gathered that some of you are redecorating on a budget and have no clue where to begin. And as always, we are here to help. We decided to create a series to help you on your search for budget friendly interior buys. This edition will focus on achieving a shabby chic bathroom.

Snuggling is for everyone

Aside from food, one of my favourite things about this time of the year is that good old snuggle by the heater, whether by an actual fire or a mechanical system.

Winter is coming

Forgive the Game of Thrones reference, but winter is truly coming.

When I think of winter, I naturally picture traditional British interiors. I always relate them to warmth and cosiness.

Plush it up

This is a bit of a tricky one and you’ll definitely need some help, but you really should consider buying and converting a derelict property

bedroom photomontage

Colour of the year

I swore I wasn’t going to do this but here I am doing the cliche thing. Pantone has concluded that the colour for 2017 is GREEN *2017 is the year to make moneeeeeyyy*.

metailic plates

Dish out the plates

I have a bizarre obsession with plates, especially pastel coloured ones. One of my favourite things to spot is a colour blocked display of pastel coloured plates.

chair with storage

Maximise your room

London and ‘box’ rooms, what a joke! If you have one of these, I deeply feel your pain, oh how quickly your room gets cluttered and disorganised.